Renate Leitner
Graphic Art and Media Design
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Corporate Design is Essential – 5 Good Reasons

What is Corporate Design?

As an integral aspect of Corporate Identity (CI), Corporate Design (CD) defines the visual image of your business and is therefore termed »Visual Corporate Identity«. The consistent design of logo, printed materials, website, advertising and marketing materials, from packaging to uniforms and interior design/architecture makes the uniqueness, the character – identity – of your products and services visible.

Essential design features, such as logo, typography, color harmony, the language of your images and repeating design elements will be documented in a Corporate Design Manual (or marketing book).  Through consequent implementation of these design guidelines, a high recognition factor is targeted that significantly leads to the establishment of your brand.

Illustration: Renate Leitner

5 good reasons for corporate design

  • Uniqueness creates distinction
    Through your exact positioning that is also optically differentiated compared to competitors, will make your company noticeable in the daily flood of information. This contributes substantially to commercial success.
  • Recognition creates trust
    If your presentation is not only appealing, but also consistent and professional in all possible points of contact (website, packaging, advertising material, job advertisements …), this positively affects the formation of your brand.
  • Design creates identification
    A well thought out design line strengthens the identification of your co-workers with your company – Motivation and committment are positively influenced. Furthermore, design orientation impacts the successful recruiting of management personnel (Scholz & Firends, 2010)*.
  • Design opens new markets
    If your brand performance is clear and authentic, this offers advantages for the establishment of your products and services in new markets (Scholz & Firends, 2010)*. Corporate Design makes the values and norms of your company visible tot he outside world.
  • Professionality creates value
    A premium appearance makes the high quality of your products and services credible and underlines their value (price). On this account, it is especially important to have your Corporate Design created and also further implemented by a profi (graphic designer).

*) Source: Scholz & Firends (2010). Die Schönheit des Mehrwertes, Germany´s largest study of the meaning of design for corporate success. Berlin, Germany: Scholz & Friends, Markenverband e. V., Design Council (Rat für Formgebung)

What makes good Corporate Design distinctive?

The creation of an unmistakable, expressive logo, the choice of a typeface/typefaces and  color harmony alone is not sufficient for integrated Corporate Design. Communication channels have multiplied through internet and social media. Hence, what is in demand are graphic corporate design elements, which also function in print- and online appearances, as well as in the new media.

How is Corporate Design developed?

The following considerations are important for the preparation of visual Corporate Identity:

  • Positioning of your business, your products, services, resp. your brand
    (For example, who is the direct competitor? Why should your products be bought? What is your quality promise? …)
  • Essential company values/brand values resp. the brand essence, as well as the company vision should be clear.
  • The more complete other aspects of Corporate Identity (such as Corporate Communication, Corporate Behaviour, Corporate Culture) have already been defined, the clearer is also the brand image that shall be created.

My proposal for your Corporate Design

Based on these principles and after a mutual kick-off meeting, the design process can be initiated. I prepare several logo drafts, which will be revised according to your feedback. Then one or two logo favorites will be even more finely elaborated. After the decision for your new logo has been found, the final artwork and delivery in several standard file formats (vector- and image files) take place. Determination of the colour composition, as well as design elements shall proceed according to the same pattern: First draft adaptions/corrections feedback final artwork and delivery. I summarise the results in a »CD Manual« for you. Herewith, the basis for your individual Corporate Design is created.

Do you still require stationery, business cards, office forms, advertising materials and a unique website, created according to your own Corporate Design? Hand over these responsibilities to a professional designer like me!
I look forward to your inquiry!

Inquire now!

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